Unemployed Electrician Thinks He Knows Who Gets Killed by Negan on ‘Walking Dead’ Premiere

Terry Sullivan (top) is pretty sure he knows who dies in the Season 7 premiere of "The Walking Dead."

Terry Sullivan (top) is pretty sure he knows who dies in the Season 7 premiere of “The Walking Dead.”

PLATTSBURGH, NY – It’s the question fans of “The Walking Dead” are asking ahead of tonight’s Season 7 premiere: which cast member dies at the hands of Negan’s trusty bat Lucille? And Terry Sullivan thinks he has the answer.

“Well, I’m pretty sure I know who it is,” he said, in an exclusive interview at his home this past Wednesday.

Over the past four months Sullivan has been out of work, trying to land a job as an electrical contractor. In between sending out resumes and going on job interviews, Sullivan has had time to watch last season’s final episode dozens of times. “I have that luxury,” he said with an air of nonchalance.

Holding up the Season 6 DVD, he said, the clues are there in Negan’s final scene to Rick and his crew. “Yeah, he gives some stuff away in his speech,” Sullivan said. “That’s why I think it could be Daryl, Aaron, Carl or Abraham.”

At the same time, Sullivan said he recently read online that in the comics, which the show is based on, Glenn dies. “So there’s a good chance it’s him,” Sullivan said.

“You know, the more that I think about it, Rick or Rosita would be a surprise,” he said, rubbing his chin. “And the producers aren’t above surprising us. That’s why I love this show.”

As of last night, Sullivan was leaning towards Eugene and possibly Sasha or Michonne. “Though it could be any one of them, honestly,” Sullivan admitted. “My gut keeps telling me that it’s going to be one of the main characters that we really like and people identify with.”

Sullivan’s friends and family were impressed, not only with his in-depth knowledge of “The Walking Dead”, but his ability to string together the hints in last season’s cliffhanger to determine who will be killed off in tonight’s premiere. Sullivan shrugged off the praise, claiming that “I’m just an average, normal, everyday Joe who has a passion for good TV. Only time will tell if I’m right, but I’m almost positive I am which sucks because that character will no longer be with us.”

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